Record capacity utilisation on TransFER Linz–Duisburg–Wels

After optimising departures, the Rail Cargo Group's connection recorded a sensational 95 percent capacity utilisation in both directions at the start of October.

In the week of 5th to 11th October, the TransFER connection Linz–Duisburg–Wels achieved an unprecedented capacity utilisation of 95 percent. This result puts it on a par with connections that have consistently had an utilisation of around 90 % for the past months like the TransFER Linz–Antwerp and Budapest–Balkans.

We owe this record result not only to rising chemical volumes, but above all to the implementation of two block train concepts in this TransFER connection.

About the connection

Our TransFER Linz–Duisburg–Wels runs between Austria and Germany and brings supplies to the vast industrial area in the Rhine-Ruhr, but it also links up all of Central and Southeast Europe.

You can find information about more of our connections at

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