Our subsidiaries in Slovenia

Rail Cargo Logistics d.o.o.

The range of services provided by Rail Cargo Logistics d.o.o. extends from classic rail transport to container transport and includes above all the handling of intermodal transports via the Adriatic sea ports. In particular, transit traffic via the port of Koper, including the associated port services, is organised. Rail Cargo Logistics d.o.o. scores with both comprehensive services and high-quality logistics support, thus consolidating its position as one of the leading rail logistics companies in Slovenia.

Company data

  • Head office

    SL-1000 Ljubljana, Letališka cesta 35

  • Management

    Peter Janežič

  • Certified according to

    ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001

  • Company registration number


  • VAT ID no.

    Sl 99690322

  • Bank details

    Banka Intesa Sanpaolo d.d.
    IBAN: SI56 1010 0003 8593 773, BIC: BAKOSI2X

Rail Cargo Carrier d.o.o.

With the Rail Cargo Carrier d.o.o. rail freight company and its outstanding logistics services, the Rail Cargo Group facilitates a continuous chain of production operating from a single source. Rail Cargo Carrier d.o.o. focuses on the corridor between Austria and the Slovenian port of Koper, as well as the corridor between Croatia and Italy - routes that are of special interest for container transport and industrial goods in the automotive, sawn timber and paper industries.

Services, links and downloads

Company data

  • Head office

    SL-1000 Ljubljana, Metelkova 7

  • Management

    Tamás Gáspár
    Peter Janežič

  • Certified according to

    ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001

  • Company registration number


  • VAT ID no.

    SI 53080459

  • Bank details

    UniCredit Banka Slovenija d.d.
    IBAN: SI56 2900 0005 1234 772, BIC: BACXSI22