The coalition aims to increase rail freight's share of the modal split to 30% by 2030. Rail Freight For- ward wants to involve railway companies, infrastructure managers and political decision-makers throughout Europe in the measures to implement this modal shift.
Rail Freight Forward is a broad-based and steadily growing association of rail freight transport compa nies supported by the CER, UIC, ERFA and VDV associations.
BLS Cargo, CD Cargo, CFL Cargo, DB Cargo, GreenCargo, Lineas, LTE Group, Mercitalia Rail, Ost-West Logistik, PKP Cargo, Rail Cargo Group, RENFE Mercancías, SBB Cargo, SNCF Logistics, ZSSK Cargo are currently participating.
Noah´s Train is going around the world
It began at the COP24 global climate conference a year ago with two containers in Katowice, Poland. Today it is a strong European movement and the longest mobile artwork.