100 % green traction current reaches the Czech Republic

Following on from Austria and Germany, the ÖBB Rail Cargo Group (RCG) now also operates in the Czech Republic with 100 % green traction current.

map green traction

What was introduced in Austria in 2018 and in Germany at the beginning of this year now also applies to the Czech Republic: All TransFER connections that we operate using our own traction from, to and in the Czech Republic are powered exclusively by green traction current from 100% renewable resources. This represents a further investment by the RCG in obtaining traction current from clean energy sources. The plan is for more countries to follow suit in the coming years.

Where the green traction current comes from

In Germany and the Czech Republic, the required green traction current is drawn from the public grid. Its origin is confirmed through certificates or proofs of origin. Austria also has its own power plants: ÖBB-Infrastruktur operates eight hydroelectric power plants and one solar power plant, which together generate more than one third of the required traction current. This is distributed via traction current lines and converted into catenary voltage in substations. The 100 % green traction current then reaches the trains running on the ÖBB network in Austria via the overhead line.
