Wherever possible, RCG uses the e-frachtbrief@ instead of paper. There are some exceptions in situations involving things such as customs, hazardous goods and accompanying documents. The digital option doesn’t just reduce paper waste. It also greatly reduces costs and bureaucracy. As a result, the RCG e-services simplify logistics processes by making them paperless at every step. On top of that, customers and partners receive real-time information about the status of consignments. And last, but certainly not least, all of this benefits the environment.
In 2021, the e-frachtbrief@ service caused 34.9 tonnes of paper to be saved.
- This also meant that around 2 million litres of water were saved – roughly enough to fill a 50-metre-long, 20-metre-wide swimming pool with a depth of 2 metres.
- In addition, RCG saved around 187 KWh of electricity, equivalent to 187 washing machine cycles,
- and 105 tonnes of wood, equivalent to 156 spruce trees – enough to make up a forest the size of a football pitch.