Our subsidiaries in Czech Republic

Rail Cargo Logistics - Czech Republic s.r.o.

Rail Cargo Logistics - Czech Republic s.r.o. is the logistics partner for custom-made end-to-end logistics solutions on the Czech market – both for conventional wagon load traffic and intermodal transport units. Rail is the focal point, being an environmentally friendly mode of transport. The logistics experts additionally offer conventional as well as heavy and special transports by truck. But the main services also include complete maritime logistics solutions and the handling of overseas and inland waterway transport.

Company data

  • Head office

    CZ-61400 Brno, Míčkova 64

  • Management

    Bohdan Lysek
    Petr Velecky

  • Certified according to

    ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001

  • Company registration number


  • VAT ID no.


  • Bank details

    UniCredit Bank Czech Republic, a.s.
    IBAN: CZ21 2700 0000 0004 6461 3024

Rail Cargo Logistics s.r.o.

Rail Cargo Logistics s.r.o., which has its head office in Brno, is an international forwarding company that focuses on rail transport. The core business includes the transport logistics of agricultural products in block trains, including wagon hire and supplementary services.

Company data

  • Head office

    CZ-61900 Brno, Videnská 188/119d

  • Management

    Bohdan Lysek

    Pavel Fojtik

  • Certified according to

    ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, GMP+ B4

  • Company registration number


  • VAT ID no.


  • Bank details

    UniCredit Bank Czech Republic, a.s.
    EUR - IBAN: CZ82 2700 0000 0021 1233 9577
    CZK - IBAN: CZ07 2700 0000 0021 1233 9569

Rail Cargo Operator - CSKD s.r.o.

As a railway logistics specialist, Rail Cargo Operator - ČSKD s.r.o. offers combined transport services to and from the most important ports in Europe and taps economic markets as far afield as Asia. With our nationwide network and high-performance TransFER connections, we specialise in transports to and from the German ports of Bremerhaven and Hamburg, the Slovenian port of Koper, the Adriatic port of Trieste and the Croatian port of Rijeka. What’s more, we’re also connected to the Polish port of Gdańsk. By seamlessly connecting to the seaports – gateways for overseas transports to and from China – we’re not only opening up Western, Southern and South-Eastern European countries, but also economic markets in Asia too. Last but not least, our terminal services ensure nationwide end-to-end logistics solutions.

Company data

  • Head office

    CZ-13000 Praha 3, Žerotínova 1132/34, Žižkov

  • Management

    Gerhard Kratochwil
    Lukas Bernard (Procuration)
    Adam Gastan (Procuration)

  • Certified according to

    ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, AEOC

  • Company registration number


  • VAT ID no.


  • Bank details

    UniCredit Bank Czech Republic, a.s.
    EUR - IBAN: CZ88 2700 0000 0008 0137 7000
    CZK - IBAN: CZ60 2700 0000 0008 0137 7019

Rail Cargo Carrier - Czech Republic s.r.o.

With Rail Cargo Carrier - Czech Republic s.r.o.’s in-house production services, continuously high-quality international production is ensured within the target market of Czech Republic. Modern locomotives guarantee special freight traffic on the Bohumin-Breclav corridor between Poland and Austria. The focus here is on transporting raw materials such as coal from Polish coal mines for Austrian industry. The portfolio also includes intermodal transports to the Adriatic ports of Trieste (IT) and Koper (SI).

Company data

  • Head office

    CZ-13000 Praha 3, Žerotínova 1132/34, Žižkov

  • Management

    Jan Brcak
    Sabina Pavelkova

  • Certified according to

    ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001
    SMS EU RL 2004/49/EG & §39 EisbG

  • Company registration number


  • VAT ID no.


  • Bank details

    UniCredit Bank Czech Republic, a.s.
    IBAN: CZ53 2700 0000 0021 0867 5148