TransNET – your cargo, our logistics solutions
Linz Scandinavia Wels
TransFER Linz–Scandinavia–Wels
With this TransFER we offer the full range of safe, reliable and environmentally friendly transport services for conventional rail freight traffic between Austria and Scandinavia.
From Linz, it goes by rail to Rheinkamp (near Duisburg). In our well-connected transhipment hub in the Ruhr area, it is possible to add wagons to the train bound for Malmö. From here, further distribution takes place in the single-wagon network for the entire Scandinavian region. Quantities from Scandinavia can also be dispatched in the Ruhr area and distributed in Germany as well as to France, Belgium or the Netherlands, or further transported with our TransFER connection back to Wels for distribution in Austria and South-Eastern Europe.
Your benefits
- End-to-end logistics solutions including organization of first and last mile
- Sustainable conventional freight transport including hazardous goods transport (RID)
- Additional forwarding services such as transhipment facilities, warehouse logistics, customs service
- Connections between Austria and Scandinavia as well as connection possibilities with the entire Central and South-Eastern European region
Your contact details
Lisa Lautner
TransFER Manager
+43 664 60501176
Send an e-mail
- TransFER
- TransFER Selection
- Stop
- Intermodal
- Wagonload
- Rolling Road