The CDP is a non-profit organisation that rates companies, cities, regions and countries according to their environmental transparency and measures. Globally, the CDP rating is one of the world's most renowned environmental ratings. Around 23,300 companies worldwide undergo the CDP's comprehensive and rigorous assessment.
B rating maintained despite increased requirements
As the sustainable logistics backbone of the European economy, RCG once again reported for the rating in 2023 and submitted all climate-relevant figures. Although the requirements have increased and completely new topics such as biodiversity or the EU taxonomy have been added, the result was maintained at a good level. In addition, the RCG achieved a significant improvement in the areas of "Energy" (A-) and "Value Chain Engagement" (B-). This puts us above the global C average.
As the leading rail logistics provider in Europe, we shape the industry 365 days a year - 24 hours a day and are aware of our great responsibility. Together with other leading European rail freight companies, we are committed to shifting 30 % of freight volumes to environmentally friendly rail transport by 2030, thereby strengthening sustainable freight transport.
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