Joint letter against planned increase in DB Netz cancellation fees

High-ranking railway managers, including ÖBB Rail Cargo Group (RCG) CEO Clemens Först fear a lack of competitiveness and see modal shift in danger.

In a joint letter, the high-ranking railway managers Dirk Stahl (CEO BLS Cargo), Laurence Zenner (CEO CFL Cargo), Bernard Gustin (CEO Lineas), Roger Mahler (CEO Metrans Germany), Désirée Baer (CEO SBB Cargo), Clemens Först (CEO Rail Cargo Group) and Marcel Theis (COO SBB Cargo International) fear severe competitive disadvantages in view of the cancellation fees proposed by DB Netz for 2024. The proposed restructuring occurs in a situation of unreliable capacity that threatens rail freight’s ability to meet its modal shift objectives to shift 30% of all goods transported in Europe to rail by 2030.

In view of the current situation, the importance of DB Netz for the European rail freight market cannot be overstated. Over 50% of all rail freight volumes cross at least one border, with many of these journeys interacting with the DB Netz railway network. Any decision taken in Germany on this subject cannot therefore be viewed through a purely national prism.

Now is the time for further discussions
The joint appeal calls for mandatory review of cancellation reasons by DB Netz AG and adjustment of market compatible cancellation fees in the new train path pricing system for 2024. The signatories of the letter are ready to discuss this issue further and to find a solution together that is satisfactory for all parties.

You can read the joint letter here.
